Given that the GG was formerly a foreign (French) citizen, was appointed by the Liberals, and her hubby was chummy with the Separatists, I think she'll favour Dion and the gang.
The thought of the Separatists having a veto, and basically pulling the strings is appalling. They even went over to Quebec to sign their "agreement" and it states that a majority of Canadians
and Quebecers did not vote for Harper. I thought we were all Canadians.
My favourite comment (paraphased) was from Iggy. He said he believed the right man to be Prime Minister was Stephane Dion, at least until we turf the bugger out of his leader's job and I become Prime Minister.
The whole affair stinks. And if they get to take power (with no legitimate excuse) then the next minority government will have the same fate because a 'precedent' has been set.
The only bright spot is I believe the west has finally had enough, and we'll soon see a full fledged western move to become their own country.
This has been brewing since Trudeau. Too bad I'm still alive to see it happening.