Sorry for the short notice, just catching up on a pile of backlogged stuff: this from Pete and Becky
Well we finally came up with a date that will hopefully work for everyone - September 20 (which is also my birthday
We chose this ealier date because we know that alot of people are putting their cars away at the end of the month - me included.
Hope we can have a great turn-out as always. We plan to cruise down to Port Stanley (lake Erie) which is 10 minutes from St. Thomas dragway. After the cruise, we'll head over to the drag strip for a little fun and the usual BBQ.
Hope to see everyone again.
Pete & Becky
Just wanted to send out an e-mail to remind everyone of our last Fiero cruise for this year. We plan to meet at the ball park at 3:00pm. Please reply to this e-mail if you plan to join us so we know approximately how many to buy for when planning the BBQ. Hope to see you's out.
Peter & Becky