Unfortunately, Fiero buyers are few and far between. Price is usually determined by the desperation of the seller. 84's are (to me) the least desirable, although the most plentiful. With the possibility of a long wait for a buyer, I would have the car inspected and provide the prospective buyer with a report of items needed for a safety. Getting a safety is the best, but it means a 30 day window for a sale.
The most important item for someone who knows, is chassis rust. This presents itself in the sides of the trunk (behind the carpet), the battery area, and progressing to the frame rails and cradle. The frame rails are hidden by the plastic fender liners. A rotten cradle makes the car unsafe to drive.
With the amount of work done to your car, it should bring up to 2500.00 It sounds like a nice driver or beginner Fiero. It doesn't take long for the urge for more power to take hold. The repairs etc. done should make the car reliable for some time to come.
You might also consider the following as possible sites to advertise.
Pennock's Forum (mostly USA)
http://www.fiero.nl/cgi-bin/fiero/Ultimate.cgi?action=introGTA Club (Toronto)
http://gtafieroclub.suddenlaunch2.com/index.cgiFiero Montreal (thru their forum)
www.fieromontreal.comYou might also try Chris Stockton here, who might be looking for a Fiero again.