Ottawa Fiero Club Forum

General => Mods => Topic started by: blue41 on October 24, 2016, 12:59:44 am

Title: headliner
Post by: blue41 on October 24, 2016, 12:59:44 am
when I picked up the car the head liner was sagging. so I pulled it out by removing the dome lights and columns and visors. brought it inside to warm it up and clean it off. the visors where pretty beat. soft and creased multiple times.


prepping the loose fiberglass is a little bit of a task. I use a 2 different brushes. and gave it a brush down to remove any loose glue and fiberglass. I used 1.5" masking tape to enforce the hole for the dome light since it had a light crack. I used 3m 77 adhesive. I gave the fiberglass a spray and let it dry. I was hoping this would give a better surface to work with. giving it a light swipe with sand paper to knock off any high fibers to smooth it out.
 but I couldn't just stick the fabric back on I had to try something. so I borrowed a projector to size and trace the logo to a paper. then I transferred it to some 3/16 foam.this foam had a thin nylon backing as a enforcer and a mesh enforcer on the other. using a utility knife I cut the emblem out 45 degree out to help round the transition.



there are the new visors but ill get to that in a minute. so once I had the emblem set with some glue. I laid out the fabric and headliner and gave them both a light dusting and let it set for a minute. I allowed it to tack before giving another light coat. since the fabric a was a suede material I didn't want the glue to saturate through. then with some help trying not to stretch the fabric slowly laid it down. then using a soft hand brush I swept the fabric down. after leaving it for a for few minutes longer. then worked the edges and valleys. if it didn't stick i would give it a little for time and press it again. I had to do this a few more time over the next hour or so. but i think the result was worth it.


I removed the stitching from the visor. to find a thin peace of cardboard. using the cardboard with masking tape to help hold it flat and fill the missing parts for a template. I used a corrugated plastic from a yard sign. bending it in line with the corrugation. I then glued the same vinyl I used for my seat to the board and while it was still tacky folded into place. I was using a thick needle and thread steel thimble(I had one push through), and a steel shaft(I had one from a pc cd/rw drive). I used the steel shaft for spacing and to help the thread from binding and twisting up. I did a wrap to pull it together then moved over. by doing so it pulled the vinyl tight to the outer edge of the corrugate. I painted the trim also. if I was going to do it gain I might install a ELwire to outline to help it show more.


Title: Re: headliner
Post by: can machine on October 24, 2016, 06:24:53 pm
Wow that looks awesome! Nice work.  O0

Title: Re: headliner
Post by: dguy on October 29, 2016, 06:40:59 am
Nice!  O0

Title: Re: headliner
Post by: Dan on October 29, 2016, 05:34:32 pm
very nice if my car just didn't have a sunroof I would like this in it

Title: Re: headliner
Post by: aaron88 on November 12, 2016, 07:18:46 pm
Thanks, for the share and instructions.