Title: EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: FieroDough on July 13, 2002, 09:58:12 am Hey guys! need lotsa help ASAP.
Went to CTC to change my tranny, engine mounts for the SOLO event. Mount bolts got cross threaded and it's gonna cost $$$$ to fix. Anyone willing to help TODAY (SATURDAY) ASAP for a auto to 5spd issuzu swapp on my GT? I got all the parts needed. Just need an engine hoist and a few hands to help! I really don't want to go to our next meet in my VW GOLF! EEEK! call my cell, 613-851-6366 PS: I HAVE BEER! cheers! Eric Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: FieroDough on July 14, 2002, 10:32:55 pm Thanks to all those that gave a hand. ;D you guys rock!
Well the swapp is moving along. I rebuilt my axles. Engine is almost droped. %#$@ Bolt! Anyone interested in taking any auto to 5spd swapp pictures? Lemme know. I don't have a digital cam, but lotsa interesting stuff going on I'd like to have pictures of. :) Keep you guys posted! Eric Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: JetJumper on July 14, 2002, 10:42:25 pm When are you doing it? I got a Cam.! As long as it is not during the time of Tuesday - Saterday (9-5) Work :P
Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: FieroDough on July 15, 2002, 07:57:05 am I'm working 7:45 to 3:45 all week. anytime after that you can call me on my cell, :851-6366 and if I'm home, just drop by. :)
I'm off to buy an air powered cuttoff tool after work today. It's a sad sad day for that biatch of a bolt today. >:( Cheers! Eric Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: Sentinel on July 16, 2002, 01:12:53 pm Dough, for the 3.8 lets do this....
http://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum2/HTML/024717.html Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: JetJumper on July 16, 2002, 05:40:14 pm LET me know when you are going to do this, I can bring my Jack Stands too :) And lots of bricks, I got a shit load in my garage, IF anyone needs some. PLEASE TAKE SOME!
Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: Boy-z on July 16, 2002, 07:44:16 pm What kind of bricks are they Eric are they fondation or the small 4x8 one's if so let me know I need some of the small one actually I need a shit load.....You don't have to look to hard to off-load them..just let me know. ;
Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: JetJumper on July 16, 2002, 07:50:24 pm It is not eric with them it is I!!!! hehe. Trying to get Eric to take credit for MY bricks. They are grey siding bricks. Like 2" - 2" - 6" or something like that. You get the Idea!
________________ | | | | |_______________| Like that :) Title: Re:EMERGENCY HELP!!!!! Post by: FieroDough on July 17, 2002, 10:16:19 pm Almost ready to bolt up the issuzu!!!! YIPPPPPEEEE!!!!!
Anyone know how to take out broken exaust manifold bolts? HELP PLEASE!!!!! Cheers! Eric |